Nvidia Stock Value History

Data provided by edgar online.
Nvidia stock value history. Data is recorded each day for the historical open high low close and volume. However you ll find it s usually very accurate. Get up to 10 years of daily historical stock prices volumes. Find the latest nvidia corporation nvda stock quote history news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.
The latest closing stock price for nvidia as of october 28 2020 is 505 08. Discover historical prices for nvda stock on yahoo finance. Find the latest historical data for nvidia corporation common stock nvda. Historical daily share price chart and data for nvidia since 1999 adjusted for splits.
We intend to use our nvidia twitter account nvidia facebook page nvidia linkedin page and company blog as a means of disclosing information about our company our services and other matters and for complying with our disclosure obligations under regulation fd. That crushes a peak of 281 back in september 2018 before the shockwaves of the cryptocurrency mining boom brought nvidia s stock price crashing back down. The all time high nvidia stock closing price was 573 86 on september 02 2020. The nvidia 52 week high stock price is 589 07 which is 16 6 above the current share price.
The nvidia 52 week low stock price is 180 68 which is 64. Nvidia s share price is now 408 64. Below is the stock price history for nvidia nvda. Nvidia stock price live market quote shares value historical data intraday chart earnings per share and news.