Nvidia Inspector How To Use
This article will explain how to use nvidia inspector and nvidia profile inspector.
Nvidia inspector how to use. Press apply changes on the upper right corner and close the tool. Nvidia inspector is a tool created by orbmu2k. Select the driver profile settings button. Create an empty bat file in the same directory as nvidia inspector open it in notepad and add this.
Nvidia profile inspector is a tool for editing driver settings on nvidia gpus as well as monitoring and overclocking like rivatuner and its derivatives. This sensor information can also be monitored via the included monitors which in turn can be logged to a csv file for later viewing. Open nvidia profile inspector scroll down to 5 common and set cuda force p2 state to off. Nvidia inspector is a really great software to overclock nvidia graphic card should i overclock my graphic card.
The first will come in handy to increase performance and the second will help you change the graphics and increase the fps. Set the profile to overwatch from the drop down. Many people aren t aware that inspector has a plethora of options for tweaking image quality. The software is distributed free of charge and is available to owners of green video cards.
Set antialiasing transparency supersampling to aa mode replay mode all set texture filtering lod bias dx to 0x00000078 hit apply and close the inspector. Frame rate limiter is under the sync and refresh tab in the latest nvidia inspector nvidia inspector. This is quite a hard question to answer if i don t really know what is your graphic card the computer that you have or a laptop if you use it.